Black Panthers Athletics
Milton Area High School
Girls Varsity Cheerleading - Cheerleading
Team News.
11.0 years ago @ 5:48AM
FALL MUMS: Sale - September 4th - 16th Delivery Date - Monday, September 23rd. 10" Pots Colors: Red, Yellow, White, Purple, Bronze Price TBA
DEPPEN PIES: Sale - September 30 - October 11 All Money and Orders Due NO LATER THAN Sunday, October 13th. Orders are being called in on Monday October 14th BEFORE 10:00 Delivery Date - Wednesday, October 23rd
Apple, Peach, Raisin, Rhubarb, Strawberry Rhubarb, Lemon Sponge, Shoofly, Coconut Custard - $9.50
Pumpkin Custard - $9.50 Blueberry and Cherry - $10.00 All fruit pies are either double crust or crumb
11.0 years ago @ 5:15AM
PARDOE'S PEANUTS: 1 Box per team member $45.00 Money Due September 16th
Product cannot be returned. We ask that you turn in the balance due above on 9/16. If you have product left continue to sell it or keep it for your personal snacking. Questions...see coaches.
SPIRIT BASKETS: Each team has two baskets. Raffle tickets are being sold at each home game, Harvest Festival Stand, and during Homecoming Carnival. Winner tickets to be pulled at the Homecoming Game October 5th.
HARVEST FESTIVAL STAND: Saturday, September 14th Items to be sold Spirit Wear, Spirit Flags, Spirit Basket Raffle Tickets, Cheer Closet Blowout Items. Worker list and times will be sent home with your cheerleader.
WATSONTOWN YARD SALE: Saturday, September 28th. Items to be sold clothing, odds and ends, and food. Please sign up with your coach for food donations.
Set up for yard sale Friday, September 27th. Worker list and times to be sent home with your cheerleader.